Evacuation Purpose
The purpose of this plan is to provide for the safe and orderly evacuation of personnel and visitors in the event of an emergency situation. This plan contains procedures on how to report an emergency, what to do and who will assist you. The procedures outlined in this plan are to be followed unless otherwise directed by police or fire department officials. In order to establish a safe and orderly plan of evacuation, employees should become familiar with the building emergency equipment and this emergency plan.
Statement of Policy
This plan has been developed with the knowledge that there is no such thing as a “fire-proof” building and that education, preparation and rehearsal are essential to a successful emergency evacuation plan.
Evacuation Procedures
If an individual smells smoke or sees a fire, a pull station box must be pulled. If there is time, ensure that the Fire Department is alerted by calling 911. Then, call the Building Management Team at 571 296 3013.
Evacuation procedures shall begin upon hearing a fire alarm or as otherwise instructed by emergency personnel (i.e., Fire Wardens/Suite Monitors, Building Management or Fire Department officials).
During an Evacuation: REMAIN CALM
- Close, but DO NOT LOCK, each office door as you leave, if you have time. Walk quietly in an orderly manner to the nearest emergency exit.
- If your primary exit is blocked by smoke, use your secondary exit.
- Request assistance in evacuating impaired persons by implementing the Buddy System. Listen for instructions from the Fire Department and other Fire Wardens/Suite Monitors.
- DO NOT USE ELEVATORS during an alarm. They will recall to the first floor with the doors locked open. The elevator will not operate during a fire alarm.
- Feel the face of closed doors for heat before grabbing doorknobs and opening. If the door feels hot, DO NOT OPEN, but proceed to alternate exit route.
- Go to the nearest accessible stairwell exit; walk quietly on the RIGHT side of stairwell, holding on to handrails. DO NOT RUN. Emergency personnel are trained to use the LEFT side of the stairwell to come up so please stay out of their way.
- Be prepared to merge with other people evacuating from other floors. Do not prop open stairwell doors.
- Gather with co-workers in a predetermined assembly area once outside and away from the building. This will help facilitate head-count procedures.
- Walk to the predetermined gathering places. DO NOT congregate in the fire lanes, near building entrances, or otherwise impede the arrival of emergency equipment and personnel.
- Do not get in your car and drive away, as this will give a distorted head-count and interfere with arriving emergency equipment.
- Do not return to the building until the “all clear” is given by the Fire Department. Cessation of an audible alarm is not an “all clear.” Wait for specific instructions to re-enter the building.
- Directives issued by the Fire Department or other emergency personnel will take precedence over this plan.
Evacuation Procedure for Individuals with an Impairment or Disability
The Fire Warden should maintain an up-to-date list of all persons with an impairment or disability on their floor. Please note that persons with an impairment or disability may not appear to be so. Such individuals may include those with a heart condition or other ailment(s), which are not immediately apparent. We recommend asking each individual if they would be able to evacuate without assistance in an emergency. Those individuals should be directed to a “safe room.” This room is a window office, preferably a corner office with a telephone. The Fire Warden should compile a list, which will include the following information about the persons with an impairment or disability:
- Name
- Suite number, location and telephone extension of the safe room Type of impairment
- Type of equipment needed to evacuate, if any
A system should be implemented wherein the Fire Warden will assign two assistants to the person(s) with an impairment or disability. Assistant #1 will remain with the individual with an impairment or disability while Assistant #2 exits the building and provides information to the Fire Department personnel. The person(s) with an impairment or disability should not be left alone until the evacuation plans are in place.
NOTE: Persons with an impairment or a physical disability may include any of the following:
- Persons with a permanent disability (i.e., permanent back problem, wheelchair user, etc.); persons with a temporary disability (i.e., broken leg, broken arm, sprained ankle, on crutches, etc.); or other impairments (mental or psychological);
- Pregnant women;
- Any other person who requests assistance;
- Once the Fire Department arrives, their instructions should be followed immediately.